Sunday, October 30, 2011


In our town, our Halloween Parade is always the Tuesday before Halloween and Trick-or-Treat is always the Thursday before Halloween. People think it is odd and complain about how it is on a school night or how it is rarely on Halloween, but I actually don't mind it. We have our school parties the same day and send the kids home all wound up (in their costumes) to go trick-or-treating. The best part is they come in on Friday, in a candy coma, and think that Halloween is over! Here are the cutest Trick-or-Treaters in our neighborhood.
A feisty fireman and 2 cute M&M's. Addy wasn't so sure about all this.

Once we got out there, they got the hang of it. I had to carry Addy at most of the houses, but she said trick-or-treat and thank you at every house. Connor and Molly stuck together and went up to the houses unassisted.
The girls lasted about a half hour and wasted no time getting into their loot.
Connor had his party at school today and made this mask. It was on his face for most of the day today!
Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

Sea Turtle Team said...

Happy Halloween!!! Those are so CUTE trick or treaters!!! :)

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