Saturday, May 22, 2010

7 months!

I didn't want to be too terribly late with the girls 7 month photos!! They are still changing and developing their own little personalities every day.

Here is what they are up to:

Addy rolls all over the place. She can just about get anything she has her eyes set on.
Molly rolls some, usually to reach a bottle that has been set just out of reach.
Addy has been sleeping 10 hours for over a month.
Molly is usually up once or twice a night, 2-3 times a week.

Molly is trying so hard to sit up nice and tall on her own.
Addy would rather be cuddled by mommy.

Molly has severe separation anxiety.
Addy does not (thank goodness!)

Both girls love their exersaucers.

Both girls light up when they see their brother!

Both girls are eating lots of fruits and veggies.



I can't get enough of either one of them ; )

Monday, May 10, 2010

6 months...oh so late!

Ok, ok...I know the girls will be 7 months in 5 days. Where have I been? This is my crazy time of year and now I've added two beautiful babies to the mix!! My hands are full, I feel like I am running to try and catch up most days. Only 13 more days until summer. I can't believe it : )

I was late taking the pictures and then I kept putting off posting. Sadly, I don't remember their 6 month lengths and weights. I didn't remember them when I was leaving the office, it's not easy trying to remember the stats for two babies. Yes, I usually write them down!

Here they are: more beautiful and amazing with everyday. Check back in a week for their 7 month picture!! I'll update you on their little personalities then too!

Could you tell them apart if I didn't tell you who was who??

Not to be out done, it's the big brother!!
Yes, his jammies don't match. We let him pick out his own ...a little Thomas and Cars action!
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