Connor had his first day of school ever this week. He is officially a preschooler. The cutest one in his class I might add.
I was nervous for him. He was nervous too. He told me in the morning he really wasn't into all this. I got more nervous. He did great though. I think he is going to love school and be a good student. I hope, but I really just want him to be a good person. I think we're doing ok according to his prayer last night, "Dear God, Tell the poor people I am earning pennies for them. Amen"
My favorite part...he is right in my building and goes with me every morning to school now. So why was this such a heart breaker?
What an appropriate 100th post! Thanks Katie for the pressure to have a blog 4 years ago. Ha! 4 years to get 100 posts!!! Even if you are my only reader, I treasure these moments!