Friday, July 16, 2010

9 Months!

Every month I think back to how far we've come. The girls are doing so much more than they were last month!! I feel as if we've regressed a bit though. I spend most of my day following them around making sure they don't get into something they shouldn't. They are pulling themselves up on everything (especially Addy) and there have been may times where they just fall back on their heads. So when I'm not following them, I'm sitting behind them ready to catch whoever falls. I so don't remember this with Connor. It is frustrating...going to the bathroom is a challenge. Any suggestions?!?

So I ran into this woman tonight at CVS (I had all 3 kids with me), here is our conversation:
stranger: twins?!
me: yep
stranger: I have twins too, they are 3.
me: Oh good, I'll get there some day.
stranger: yeah, it doesn't get any easier. There is always something.
me: I look forward to them being his age (patting compliant Connor on the head), I love this age.
stranger: they have a big brother too.
me: he is a great help, I wouldn't trade him for anything.
I thought it was an odd conversation. I think in most respects it is easier already.
Ok enough griping, here are the cuties! We go to the dr. next week, so no stats yet.


There she goes!

Addy doesn't sit still. She is a monkey and tries to climb on anyone/anything. She is going to be my dare devil. She makes changing her diapers, bath, and getting her dressed miserable. She is constantly trying to crawl away, she is now crawling correctly! No teeth yet, but they have got to be close.


Molly has developed this little thing where she randomly throws up. We've been to the dr., they aren't worried. I am always on guard waiting for it! Needless to say, we hate to leave the house for meals! She has two teeth and has mastered clapping and waving. It is so cute! She loves to sing!

Sorry for the blabbering tonight. I know they are beautiful and sweet and so much more. I know how lucky I truly am!


Sassy Sydney said...

Awww, does Molly still do the cough with it?? Poor girl :( Your babies are so beautiful and you are a wonderful mommy... griping is allowed! :)

The Smith Family said...

Maybe it's a second child thing. Charlie climbs everywhere! I can't leave the chairs close to the table anymore or he will be on top of the table in no time. Hang in there, it has to get easier some day, right?!?!

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