Saturday, April 11, 2020

We're back!

It's been a loonnng time, but I am hoping to get back into blogging!

Why now?

The blog came up the other night at dinner and the kids about died when they heard I had a blog that I actually posted things on at one time. Molly asked to see it and her face when she was going through the posts were priceless. I don't scrapbook or print pictures unless they are needed for a project to fill a specific frame.

So, this a my gift to my kids. Memories they will always have to go back and look at. Recipes that we make that they can easily access some day. Special events that our family was a part of. I hope to post more of all these things and much more.

Here we are. My how they've grown right before my eyes. Join me as the Rood's continue to roll though life!

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